Der Tag im Überblick: Alle Meldungen

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update verfügbar & Surface Book 2 angekündigt

München, 17. Oktober 2017. Das Windows 10 Fall Creators Update wird ab heute weltweit ausgerollt. Das vierte große Update der Plattform ist für Kunden mit Windows 10 Devices kostenlos und wird sukzessive über Windows Update verfügbar. Passend hierzu sind erste Windows Mixed Reality Headsets von Hardware-Partnern ab sofort erhältlich. Zudem hat Microsoft das Surface Book 2 angekündigt. Der bisher leistungsstärkste Laptop von Microsoft kann ab dem 9. November 2017 vorbestellt werden und kommt am 16. November 2017 auf den deutschen Markt.

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Das Fall Creators Update bringt eine Vielzahl an Neuerungen auf weltweit mehr als 500 Millionen Geräte. Es macht moderne Technologien wie Mixed Reality sowie 3D auf Windows 10 PCs verfügbar und unterstützt hierfür erstmalig die Nutzung von Windows Mixed Reality Headsets. Außerdem bietet es intelligente Foto-, Video- sowie Stiftfunktionen und kommt mit zusätzlichen Erweiterungen für Gamer.

Nachfolgend finden Sie ausgewählte Highlight-Features:

  • Mixed Reality auf Windows 10 PCs erleben. Über die Kombination der physischen und der digitalen Welt eröffnen sich für Nutzer künftig völlig neue Wege, um Inhalte zu erschaffen, um miteinander zu kommunizieren oder zu spielen. Kunden können von zu Hause aus virtuelle Zeitreisen machen, abgelegene Orte erkunden, Events besuchen oder Spiele intensiver erleben.

    Hierfür benötigen Anwender neben dem Windows 10 Fall Creators Update einen kompatiblen PC sowie ein Windows Mixed Reality Headset. Kunden können die Kompatibilität des eigenen Rechners über eine Anwendung überprüfen oder einen Windows Mixed Reality-fähigen PC kaufen. Erste Headsets der Hardware-Partner Acer, Dell und Lenovo sind ab sofort ab einem Preis von 449 Euro (UVP; inkl. MwSt.) in Deutschland erhältlich.

    Windows Mixed Reality Headsets lassen sich einfach via „Plug and Play“ mit einem Windows Mixed Reality PC oder Windows Mixed Reality Ultra PC verbinden – ganz ohne die Einrichtung oder den Erwerb von externen Markern. Über die neuen Geräte haben Kunden künftig Zugriff auf mehr als 20,000 Apps im Microsoft Store.

  • 3D-Technologie für Windows. Kunden ohne Headset bietet Microsoft den Mixed Reality Viewer, mit dem sich 3D-Objekte am Rechner über die PC-Kamera in die aktuelle Umgebung einblenden lassen. Außerdem sind PCs über das neue Update mit einer umfangreichen Sammlung an 3D-Werkzeugen für die Arbeit sowie Freizeit ausgestattet. Zudem werden bestehende Anwendungen wie Paint 3D verbessert. Auf diese Weise lassen sich 3D-Objekte in Windows 10 ganz einfach erstellen, teilen oder in Office-Dateien integrieren – zum Beispiel in Word-Dokumente oder PowerPoint-Präsentationen.
  • Schnelleres Streaming für Gamer. Mehr als 200 Millionen monatlich aktive Nutzer spielen auf Windows 10 Geräten. Mit dem neuen Update verbessert Microsoft seine interaktive Streaming-Plattform Mixer, auf welcher Gamer ihr Spieleerlebnis in Echtzeit teilen und mit der Community interagieren. So wird das Starten eines Streams sowie die Teilnahme künftig noch schneller möglich. Über den Game Mode haben Entwickler Zugriff auf die Prozessorleistung des Rechners und können Spielen Ressourcen zuweisen, wodurch die Anwendungen noch flüssiger laufen.
  • Intelligente Foto- und Stiftfunktionen. Mit der aktualisierten Fotos App können Nutzer ihre Fotos und Videos ganz einfach zu Erinnerungen oder Geschichten zusammenfügen. Hierfür können die visuellen Inhalte mit Musik, Übergängen sowie personalisierten 3D-Effekten angereichert werden. Auch durch die Nutzung der digitalen Stifteingabe lassen sich Geschichten auf eine völlig neue Weise erzählen. Mit dem Fall Creators Update wird die Stifteingabe zudem weiter verbessert. So ist das digitale Bearbeiten von PDF-Dokumenten möglich und mit der neuen Funktion „Windows Find my Pen“ sind Kunden in der Lage, ihren Stift über ihr Device zu orten.

Surface Book 2: Der leistungsstärkste Laptop von Microsoft
Ergänzend zu den Neuheiten rund um Windows 10 hat Microsoft heute das Surface Book 2 angekündigt. Der bisher leistungsfähigste Laptop von Microsoft kann ab dem 9. November 2017 ab einem Preis von 1499 US-Dollar vorbestellt werden. Am 16. November 2017 wird das Gerät auf dem deutschen Markt verfügbar. In Deutschland wird Surface Book 2 als Version mit 13,5-Zoll-Display in vier verschiedenen Modell-Varianten erhältlich sein. Als 15-Zoll-Laptop gibt es Surface Book 2 nur in den USA.

Surface Book 2 verbindet hohe Leistungsfähigkeit mit High-End-Komponenten in einem designstarken Gehäuse. Je nach Modellvariante ist das Gerät ausgestattet mit Intels® Dual-Core™ Prozessoren der 7. Generation oder Quad-Core™ Prozessoren der 8. Generation, einer NVIDIA® GeForce® Grafikkarte, einem USB-C Port und bis zu 17 Stunden Akkulaufzeit. Es verfügt über die fünffache Grafikleistung im Vergleich zum Vorgänger und ein hochauflösendes PixelSense™ Display für eine Touch-Bedienung mittels Finger oder Stift. Anspruchsvolle Programme von Herstellern wie Adobe, Autodesk oder Dassault laufen ebenso flüssig wie aktuelle Gaming-Titel und Windows Mixed Reality Anwendungen.

Der Tag im Überblick: Alle Meldungen

AMD vollendet AGESA Update für „Raven Ridge“ APUs

AMD bereitet ein Update ihres AGESA-Microcodes vor. AGESA ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der BIOS-Systeme von AMD-Plattformen, die für den Prozessor beim Systemstart verantwortlich sind. Aktualisierungen verbessern die Kompatibilität von Arbeitsspeicher und CPU der Motherboards. Nach dem wichtigen AGESA, das die Speicherkompatibilität der AMD Ryzen-Prozessoren deutlich verbessert, bereitet das Unternehmen eine noch neuere Version vor. Das neue AGESA Update führt zu signifikanten Änderungen an der Struktur des Mainboard-BIOS und macht es einfacher, kommende Socket AM4-Chips, wie die „Raven Ridge“ APUs und die Ryzen „Pinnacle Ridge“ CPUs der zweiten Generation, zu implementieren.

Quelle: AMD Readies AGESA Update Enabling „Raven Ridge“ APUs

Der Tag im Überblick: Alle Meldungen

NZXT regelt – CAM erhält Update auf Version 3.5

Los Angeles, Kalifornien, 4. Oktober 2017 – NZXT stellt heute das umfangreiche Update für seine PC Monitoring-Software CAM auf die Version 3.5 vor. Dank des Feedbacks aus der NZXT-Community besitzt CAM nun ein neues, intuitives Interface-Design, das jedoch nicht auf Kosten der Performance umgesetzt wurde: Weniger als ein Prozent der CPU- und RAM-Leistung genügen CAM in der neuen Version, um das optimale Spielerlebnis zu garantieren.

Die neue CAM-Version 3.5 für den PC steht ab sofort auf www.camwebapp.com zum Download bereit. Die mobilen Versionen im App Store und Google Play Store folgen im Oktober.

Wir sehen CAM grundsätzlich nie als fertiges Produkt an, sondern entwickeln kontinuierlich Ideen zur einfacheren Kontrolle und Optimierung von verschiedensten PC-Systemen. Dank des direkten Feedbacks unserer User und der Art, wie sie CAM für sich nutzen haben wir stets vor Augen, wie wir CAM noch besser machen können.
– Johnny Hou, NZXT-Gründer und CEO

Die Features von CAM 3.5 in der Übersicht

  • Das neue CAM-Design macht die Nutzung noch einfacher:
    • Neues Dashboard-Design mit Übersicht über alle wichtigen Informationen
    • Verbesserte Navigation: Menüoptionen geordnet nach Funktionen
    • Graphen leichter auswertbar
    • Anzeige von acht statt bislang vier CPU-Kernen im CPU-Graph
    • Verbrauchsanzeige kleiner und besser lesbar
    • Überarbeitetes Markendesign für bessere Konsistenz
  • Der Menüpunkt Games zeigt neben den FPS nun auch CPU- und GPU-Temperaturen an
  • Der Menüpunkt Games zeigt nun die letzten 30 statt bisher 8 gespielten Titel an
  • Anzahl unterstützte Sprachen erhöht
  • Direkter Treiber-Download für von CAM unterstützte Komponenten via Software
  • Sync Mode: Farben in vorgespeicherten Presets können nun on-the-fly geändert werden
  • Verbessertes GPU-Übertaktungspotenzial: Das Power Limit wurde von 110 % auf 120 % erhöht, um mehr NVIDIA-Grafikkarten zu unterstützen

Zusätzliche CAM-Features (geplant für Oktober)

  • Grafikkarten-Übertaktung: Übertakte deinen Intel-Prozessor und deine Grafikkarte in derselben App
  • CAM Game Overlay: CAM unterstützt nun viele populäre Titel mit EasyAntiCheat- und Battleye-Schutz, darunter Playerunknown’s Battleground (PUBG), Rainbow Six: Siege, ARMA III, DayZ, H1Z1, Ark: Survival, For Honor, Ghost Recon: Wildlands und viele mehr. Die vollständige Liste gibt es hier: www.battleye.com und www.easyanticheat.net.
  • Neue Mobile-Versionen (iOS und Android™) mit vollständigem Funktionsumfang der Desktop-Variante

Dank des Nutzerfeedbacks führt NZXT auch den erweiterten Gast-Modus ein, mit dem die wichtigsten CAM-Funktionen künftig auch ohne Account genutzt werden können. Darüber hinaus wurde die Menge an Informationen, die CAM an NZXT übermittelt, für bessere Transparenz auf ein Minimum reduziert. In diesem Zuge wurden auch die Nutzer- und Datenschutzbedingungen aktualisiert.


We Want To See Your Xbox Design Lab Controllers

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences.

One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so.

When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=““ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well[/penci_blockquote]

I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me.

This is an image caption enim ad minima veniam


When I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless lorem ipsum dolor indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath. One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.

The List for doing things

  • Start International News & Magazine Websites
  • Installing Themes
  • Purchase PenNews on Themeforest

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=“Norman Vincent Peale“ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]Change your thoughts and you change your world[/penci_blockquote]

If several languages coalesce, the grammar of the resulting language is more simple and regular than that of the individual. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European.


It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt.

Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo.

The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. „What’s happened to me?“ he thought. It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words.

Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else quote demo

It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections.


Google Is Trying To Make Android Devices Better

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“list“ align=“none“ displayby=“cat“ orderby=“random“]

One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so.

When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=““ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well[/penci_blockquote]

I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me.

This is an image caption enim ad minima veniam


When I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless lorem ipsum dolor indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath. One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.

The List for doing things

  • Start International News & Magazine Websites
  • Installing Themes
  • Purchase PenNews on Themeforest

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=“Norman Vincent Peale“ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]Change your thoughts and you change your world[/penci_blockquote]

If several languages coalesce, the grammar of the resulting language is more simple and regular than that of the individual. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European.


It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt.

Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo.

The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. „What’s happened to me?“ he thought. It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“grid“ align=“none“ displayby=“recent_posts“ orderby=“random“]

The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words.

[penci_blockquote align=“left“ author=““]Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else quote demo[/penci_blockquote]

It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections.


Amazon’s Alexa Voice Assistant Coming to BMWs and Minis

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“list“ align=“none“ displayby=“cat“ orderby=“random“]

One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so.

When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=““ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well[/penci_blockquote]

I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me.

This is an image caption enim ad minima veniam


When I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless lorem ipsum dolor indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath. One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.

The List for doing things

  • Start International News & Magazine Websites
  • Installing Themes
  • Purchase PenNews on Themeforest

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=“Norman Vincent Peale“ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]Change your thoughts and you change your world[/penci_blockquote]

If several languages coalesce, the grammar of the resulting language is more simple and regular than that of the individual. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European.


It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt.

Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo.

The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. „What’s happened to me?“ he thought. It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“grid“ align=“none“ displayby=“recent_posts“ orderby=“random“]

The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words.

[penci_blockquote align=“left“ author=““]Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else quote demo[/penci_blockquote]

It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections.

Virtual Reality

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“list“ align=“none“ displayby=“cat“ orderby=“random“]

One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so.

When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=““ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well[/penci_blockquote]

I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me.

This is an image caption enim ad minima veniam


When I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless lorem ipsum dolor indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath. One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.

The List for doing things

  • Start International News & Magazine Websites
  • Installing Themes
  • Purchase PenNews on Themeforest

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=“Norman Vincent Peale“ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]Change your thoughts and you change your world[/penci_blockquote]

If several languages coalesce, the grammar of the resulting language is more simple and regular than that of the individual. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European.


It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt.

Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo.

The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. „What’s happened to me?“ he thought. It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“grid“ align=“none“ displayby=“recent_posts“ orderby=“random“]

The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words.

[penci_blockquote align=“left“ author=““]Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else quote demo[/penci_blockquote]

It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections.


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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“list“ align=“none“ displayby=“cat“ orderby=“random“]

One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so.

When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=““ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well[/penci_blockquote]

I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me.

This is an image caption enim ad minima veniam


When I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless lorem ipsum dolor indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath. One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.

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In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=“Norman Vincent Peale“ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]Change your thoughts and you change your world[/penci_blockquote]

If several languages coalesce, the grammar of the resulting language is more simple and regular than that of the individual. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European.


It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt.

Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo.

The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. „What’s happened to me?“ he thought. It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“grid“ align=“none“ displayby=“recent_posts“ orderby=“random“]

The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words.

[penci_blockquote align=“left“ author=““]Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else quote demo[/penci_blockquote]

It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections.


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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“list“ align=“none“ displayby=“cat“ orderby=“random“]

One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so.

When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=““ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well[/penci_blockquote]

I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me.

This is an image caption enim ad minima veniam


When I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless lorem ipsum dolor indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath. One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.

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  • Purchase PenNews on Themeforest

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=“Norman Vincent Peale“ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]Change your thoughts and you change your world[/penci_blockquote]

If several languages coalesce, the grammar of the resulting language is more simple and regular than that of the individual. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European.


It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt.

Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo.

The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. „What’s happened to me?“ he thought. It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“grid“ align=“none“ displayby=“recent_posts“ orderby=“random“]

The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words.

[penci_blockquote align=“left“ author=““]Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else quote demo[/penci_blockquote]

It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections.



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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“list“ align=“none“ displayby=“cat“ orderby=“random“]

One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so.

When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=““ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well[/penci_blockquote]

I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me.

This is an image caption enim ad minima veniam


When I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless lorem ipsum dolor indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath. One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.

The List for doing things

  • Start International News & Magazine Websites
  • Installing Themes
  • Purchase PenNews on Themeforest

In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters.

[penci_blockquote align=“none“ author=“Norman Vincent Peale“ font_weight=“600″ font_style=“italic“ uppercase=“true“ ]Change your thoughts and you change your world[/penci_blockquote]

If several languages coalesce, the grammar of the resulting language is more simple and regular than that of the individual. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European.


It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt.

Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo.

The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. „What’s happened to me?“ he thought. It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable: one could refuse to pay expensive translators.

[penci_related_posts title=“You Might Be Interested In“ number=“4″ style=“grid“ align=“none“ displayby=“recent_posts“ orderby=“random“]

The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words.

[penci_blockquote align=“left“ author=““]Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else quote demo[/penci_blockquote]

It wasn’t a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table – Samsa was a travelling salesman – and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections.

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